Room Reservation Policy

Located at 1833 Ashland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21205

Student groups may request to reserve the group exercise room when the space is not in use for regularly scheduled classes, programming or events at the Denton A. Cooley Center. Please be mindful that:

A reservation request does not automatically guarantee a reservation

The requester will be contacted within three business days to confirm the reservation

If it is determined that a reservation request can take place, then a notification confirming the request will be emailed to the requester.

Reservation Guidelines

Room reservation requests must be made at least five days prior to the reservation date. Student groups may email the Assistant Fitness Manager, Reggie Cole, at

When requesting the room, please include:

1- Representative's name and their title/role

2-The name of the organization or group reserving the room

3-The purpose of the reservation

4-The date/day/time of reservation


If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, we ask for as much notice as possible to give opportunity for another group or class to use the space. You may email the assistant fitness manager, Reggie Cole, at to notify the center of your cancellation.

Responsibilities of the Requester

By reserving the group exercise room, each requester assumes the responsibility of returning and maintaining the room to its proper organized condition. All use of any exercise equipment or accessories including mats and blocks, must be stored as indicated by the signage posted  throughout the room.

See staff to use audio equipment. If the audio equipment and floor fans are used, the fans and stereo should be powered off at the designated ending time of the reservation. Failure to maintain the room, or going over time, will result in a warning. Multiple violations may result in losing the privilege of reserving space for three months. Each requester will assume full responsibility for any damage to mirrors, exercise equipment, or audio equipment sustained during the time the room is reserved or occupied by the group.